Bible-Book Movies
Watch Videos that Highlight the Scriptures
Once in a while, a movie will come along that perfectly captures the message of the gospel of Jesus, as seen in the text of the Old and New Testaments. In fact, there are several films that could serve as study guides to works of Scripture. These films can help Christians answer tough questions found in all sixty-six books of the Bible.
Enjoy watching these selected, high-quality movie productions in the video format.
Max McLean
Elana Eden
Louise Lombard
Patrick Dempsey
Robert Miano
Bruce Marchiano
Max McLean
The JESUS Film
Christopher Plummer
Jesus Film Project
Our “Fave” Bible-Book and Bible-Theme Videos
Note: Both the Old and New Testaments are one unified story that leads to Jesus. These fully animated videos explore the books and key themes of the Bible.
Enjoy watching these selected, high-quality video productions from BibleProject, the JESUS film, Dr. David Jeremiah, and others.
More from Warren Camp and his Hearty Boys Bible-study group…