Why the Nativity?
Docudrama Film by Dr. David Jeremiah
“Every year, millions of people around the globe celebrate Christmas. But what does it all mean? Do we really understand the profound importance and authenticity of the birth of Jesus? Why the virgin Mary? Why a carpenter named Joseph? Why poor shepherds and wealthy kings clamoring to worship a newborn King? And why are the Old Testament prophecies that predicted the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem so important to the Christmas story?“Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, noted pastor, author, and theologian Dr. David Jeremiah provides answers to some of the most thought-provoking questions surrounding the most pivotal moment in human history — the birth of Jesus Christ.
“Travel back in time. Experience the sights and sounds of that first Christmas. You’ll have a front-row seat to the Nativity story as you witness the Old Testament prophets foretelling the birth of Jesus, Gabriel appearing to Mary, Joseph and Mary traveling the road to the crowded city of Bethlehem, angels appearing to shepherds, the brilliant star guiding the wise men from the East, and baby Jesus lying in a manger in a humble stable in Bethlehem.”[1]
• Watch this 2022 docudrama film by Dr. David Jeremiah and Turning Point Ministries (1.25 hrs.): Starring David Jeremiah, Rose Anaya as Mary, Logan Polson as Joseph, Alysa Mena as Elizabeth, and Arick Salmea as Herod.
16.6 million views
Why the Nativity? is a fascinating presentation of biblical history with stunning visual dramatics that create an unforgettable journey through the wonders of Christmas! In Why the Nativity?, Dr. David Jeremiah looks in detail at the people and events that surround the Christmas story and why each of them was chosen for their specific purpose.
Make watching Why the Nativity? a new holiday tradition! And, support the ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah and receive your own copy of Why the Nativity by visiting davidjeremiah.org.