What Is the Book of Genesis About?
Genesis has sometimes been called the “seed-plot” of the entire Bible. Most of the major doctrines in the Bible are introduced in “seed” form in Genesis. Along with the fall of man, God’s promise of salvation or redemption is recorded (Gen. 3:15). The doctrines of creation, imputation of sin, justification, atonement, depravity, wrath, grace, sovereignty, responsibility, and many more are all addressed in this book of origins called Genesis. It’s a fitting beginning for God’s story of His plan for mankind, the Bible.[1]
• Enjoy this 2020 video (full movie, 2 hrs.): on-stage performance by Max McLean; based on the NIV translation.
42 thousand views
With remarkable energy and a gift for storytelling that can prickle the back of your neck, McLean captures the humor and pathos in Genesis's dramatic sweep from Eden to Babel, from the immense flood of Noah to Abraham's heart-cleaving sacrifice of his son Isaac, from the epic destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to Jacob's soul-wounding wrestling match with the Angel of God.[2]
Watch this animated video (8 minutes) by BibleProject, which provides a biblical overview of “Genesis, part 1” (chapters 1–11). Its follow-up overview video (8 min.) of chapters 12–50 can be seen here.