Who Is Warren Camp?
Warren Camp is the creative energy behind Warren Camp Design (WCD), now offering a full complement of Internet marketing and design solutions, focusing on Christian endeavors. WCD provides attractive web design, photo editing, graphic design, and a collection of print and digital resources for churches, missionaries, and Bible-study groups. A self-declared e-minister, Warren creates his websites, e-documents, and print creations that are distinct, interactive, purposeful, functional, and God-honoring.
Add to that Warren’s collection of classic commentaries and summaries of numerous Bible books (listed here). Written in modern language, he’s made each analysis personal, offering a wealth of explanations, illustrations, his award-winning Scripture Picture graphics, applicable study questions, and much more. Each of his commentaries provides penetrating verse-by verse reflections and rich insights into the heart of God’s Word. Ideal for personal devotions, weekly Bible studies, and sermon preparations, each of Warren’s commentaries reflects his knowledge and interpretation of the Scriptures, which will hopefully challenge and likely inspire you.
About Warren Camp
Once a varsity athlete, today, Warren is a full-time e-minister of Jesus and his church. With a bachelor’s degree in business administration (major in marketing and promotion) and having spent 20 years as a desktop publisher and writer, plus another 10 years as the technical consultant for an ABC-TV television program highlighting home remodeling, Warren now specializes in graphic design, web and print publishing, and photo editing. He designs and executes effective promotional campaigns for churches, missionaries, and Bible-study groups.
Are you searching for a professional consultant to help you promote your organization, church, or Christian campaign? Looking for a graphic designer to create one or more attractive documents? Need a photo editor for an upcoming print or digital presentation? Want a copyeditor and proofreader to "make it say what it means, and mean what it says"? Talk with Warren.
About Warren Camp Design (WCD)
What sets WCD apart from other designers and editors is a successful fusion of disciplines. Warren understands both the creative and technical aspects of website design, digital and print publishing, marketing and promotion, and more. His sites, documents, and productions are elegant, informative, and intuitive — an important combination in today’s interactive market.
Productive communication is an essential element of interactive marketing. Warren prides himself on communicating productively to meet people’s and church’s needs and expectations so that targeted goals can be reached. Sample a paragraph from one of Warren’s “Jesus’ Parables” commentaries.
A pleasing appearance is only half the project. Well-designed and aptly targeted applications should also be user-intuitive — easy to use, without requiring an instruction manual or tech support. Each task should require as little effort as possible.
Warren's Personal Testimony

Hello: I appreciate having the opportunity to tell you, first hand, a little about me and my company, and who invited me to become his e-minister.
As a graphic designer, web developer, photo editor, and e-minister, I continue to enjoy building a powerful, growing, personal relationship with Father God. Daily, the moment I turn on my iMacs, I ask the Holy Spirit what He’d like me to accomplish for Him. I’ve realized that our intimate relationship can develop only when I ask and listen clearly and attentively to Him, collaborating interactively with Him during my workday.
I’ve learned and appreciated this nugget of biblical wisdom in my last twenty-four years: No matter how good a creative artist or e-minster you are, you won't know how good you can be until you turn your work over to the Lord.
Sanctified Imagination — My Three Essential Elements
For an artistic creation to attract, inspire, and activate, I believe that there must first be innovation, imagination, and artistic expression. Second, art should be able to provide enjoyment and refreshment to those in a weary world; I’m privileged to be a believer who brings cheer and brightens others’ days. Third, Christian artists have the freedom to share the good news in fresh and imaginative ways. We yearn most to communicate what has made the difference in our lives: the love of God in Christ. The Great Commission is not just for missionaries; it's for artists, too.
Whatever your creative endeavor, it’s a joy to realize that our perfect God wants us to partner with Him, not only to present His message to the world but to help us be everything we were meant to become. Daily, I enjoy my partnership with the Spirit. Through creative artistry and writing, the Spirit bypasses my intellect and logic; He personally gets through to my heart in a profound imaginative way. Up until twenty-four years ago, I’d been slow to welcome artistic expressions of faith in my work, slow to fully utilize the many gifts that God has given me and expected me to use. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit and I collaborate purposely, day after day.
You may be the next person to leave a legacy that touches the world. It could happen by living out your decision to "collaborate with God in what he wants you to do." You get there by learning to listen to Him, then serving Him.
† Your destiny is to collaborate with God, in the work He asks you to perform.
† Your willful collaboration ushers His kingdom into the world.
† Don’t worry about dreaming big dreams; He has that handled.
† Instead, commit to living purely and quietly, listening for His voice every day; then see where He takes you.
In Closing, . . .
When an artist uses his gifts to glorify the Lord, He brings a little bit of heaven to earth. Collaboration with God can be one of the most fulfilling experiences in the universe, for you and for Him. — Warren Camp