Ever felt that you were completely stuck in a tough situation, wanting to talk to God so you can get his answers about life and existence? Perhaps you've prayed and asked the Lord to show you the answer, perhaps you sought wise counsel, perhaps you've spoken with pastors without God ever clearly giving you answer to your questions. If you were to converse with God today, what would you ask him today?
Imagine yourself chatting with the Creator, realizing his attention, care, and love for humanity.
Here's a classic video production that's beautiful, thought-provoking, and personally inspirational. It's bound to connect you with God. This three-minute interview is awesome! It'll make you feel much closer to Almighty God.
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Believe it or not, God has always been speaking to his people! Sadly, many don't listen; few ever utter a word to him. Everything in this universe is his and he can relate to anything he chooses to tell you.
Jesus told his disciples that sheep follow the shepherd "because they know his voice" (John 10:4). How did they know his voice? They'd learned from experience to trust the voice of their Shepherd.
To hear God's voice clearly, we must have a personal, interactive love-filled relationship with God. The intimately we know God, the better we'll recognize his voice through all of life's noises. Trust in the Lord and ask him to speak with you; listen carefully to what he suggests in response.
Note: Just as our primitive ancestors were unable to comprehend life beyond their own existence, neither can we comprehend what the universe has to reveal. Whether you believe in God or not, there's something much greater than mankind in this infinitesimally tiny spot in the universe that we call Earth.
Warren Camp